In AUGANIC AUSTRALIA you can see that we plant olives, harvest, mill olives, produce oil, storage and bottle on our own consistently. Our goal is to treat our customers like family, to bring them natural and health olives oil with our whole processing management.
About Auganic從一株株橄欖幼苗的種植到成熟採收、運送、工廠加工、裝瓶再到末端市場販售,生產的每個環節我們細心照料,嚴密把關。 澳根尼 (AUGANIC) 農場擁有澳洲得天獨厚的理環境、肥沃的土壤、和煦的陽光,莊園裡可見成群的袋鼠時而穿梭林間、時而慵懶的躺在橄欖樹下乘涼。
關於澳根尼2015 is a brand-new start of AUGANIC. We start producing finest quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil in West Australia, where the landscape, soil and climate all perfectly match olives’growth. To ensure the best taste, AUGANIC AUSTRALIA produces Extra Virgin Olive Oil from the planting to bottling all in our hygienic and professional farm.
Our owners Mr. Li and Mr. Yang had a chance to know Cyril of Green Gold Farm in Australia in late 2014. When they learnt Cyril wanted to sell the farm, they decided to inherit Cyril’s spirit and continue the olive business. Now Cyril becomes our farm manager and keeps taking good care of every grove on the farm. With his 40-years experience of agriculture, we bring our customers not only a professional taste, but also a spirit of pure.
SEE AUGANIC EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL對 澳根尼 (AUGANIC) 來說,2015年是一個創新的開始。一個嶄新的橄欖油品牌「 澳根尼 」(AUGANIC),如同電影 「我們買了座動物園」當中的情節,偶然地發生在我們身上。 是一個巧合也是一個機緣,讓我們在澳洲買了塊莊園。這片橄欖園坐落在西澳的小鎮Gingin,全區地大遼闊且日照充足,土地上充滿生機,看見前農場主人用心經營,園區井然有序、工廠整潔明亮,便毅然決然接手經營,希望將這片土地的天然、純淨、健康帶給身邊每位重視健康的朋友。
原農場主Cyril來自辛巴威,目前擔任 澳根尼 (AUGANIC) 農場的管理經理。Cyril 擁有超過40多年的農場種植經驗,後來到了西澳GINGIN小鎮上,開始經營「綠金莊園」並親 手種下一株株橄欖樹。 在2014年李玉成先生與楊文芳先生透過當地友人的介紹,認識這個農場。於是親自前往西澳,融入當地生活,探訪農場,了解栽種過程和農場經營理念,同時也發現到整片莊園是純淨、天然且無毒。莊園內的1萬3千棵樹皆出自Cyril悉心照料,為維持橄欖油的新鮮品質,並將榨油工廠設在自己的莊園內,以確保每天現採現榨。因此,當得知Cyril 因年事已高,有意結束經營時,我們決定買下綠金莊園,延續這份專業與天然栽種的精神。
SEE AUGANIC EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OILGreen Gold Farm is located in Gingin area, which is an agriculture town 90 kilometers north of Perth, West Australia. The town is well suited to agriculture with a mild climate and very good water source.
The farm is 197 acres with 13,000 olives trees. To provide adequate space of growth, 250 olives trees are planted per 2.5 acre. Each of trees is fully fertilized without contending the supply of nutrition. AUGANIC Extra Virgin Olive Oil is collected from only the first pressing of our fruit. Olives that are left in bins or piles for too long begin to compost, heating up inside the pile and deteriorating quickly. In order to keep the olives fresh, we transport the olives from the farm to our processing plant in 1 hour as soon as possible. Thus, Fruit will be processed within 4 hours by our own machine.